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Child health

  • Rashes in babies and children

    Many things can cause a rash in babies and children, and they’re often nothing to worry about.

    The NHS provide support for identifying some of the common rashes in babies and children.

    NHS: Rashes in babies and children

  • NHS vaccinations and when to have them

    It’s important that vaccines are given on time for the best protection. Check the dates your child needs to have their vaccinations by and contact your GP.

    NHS vaccinations and when to have them

  • Start for Life

    Trusted NHS help and advice during pregnancy, birth and parenthood.

    Start for Life

  • Gloucestershire Young Carers

    A range of information, advice, useful links, resources and details about Gloucestershire Young Carers is available online.

    01452 733060


  • Gloucester Youth Support Team

    Their aim is to offer quick, responsive and effective intervention to vulnerable young people. They work with them and their families to identify the best support for them within their own communities.

    01452 547540


  • Children’s Occupational Therapy

    The Children’s Occupational Therapy (OT) service aims to provide an effective, safe, high quality service to enable children, young people and their families to reach their full potential in activities of daily living at home, school, college and their community.

    0300 421 6988

    Children’s Occupational Therapy

  • Children in Care Health Service

    Their aim is to promote and look after the health of children in care. They do this by ensuring that high quality health assessments are offered to young people in care and the health professionals are equipped to deal with identifying and providing for their health needs.

    01452 895245

    Children In Care Service

  • 2gether

    2gether NHS Foundation Trust provides specialist mental health and learning disability services to the people of Gloucestershire and Herefordshire.

    0800 073 2200

    Let’s Talk 2gether

  • Childhood Bowel and Bladder Issues

    The Eric website is a very useful resource if you have issues around childhood bowel and bladder issues, with information about bedwetting, constipation and soiling, and daytime bladder problems.


  • Gloucester Youth Support Team

    We aim to offer quick, responsive and effective intervention to vulnerable young people. We work with them and their families to identify the best support for them within their own communities.

    01452 547540


  • Caring for Children with Coughs

    This leaflet contains information about how to look after a child who has a cough (not due to asthma).


  • Tooth Decay in Children

    In children aged 5 and above, the biggest cause of admission to hospital is for dental extraction for tooth decay. We need to talk about sugar.


  • Potty Training

    Please talk to your health visitor if you need additional support and advice.


  • Happy Maps

    Happy Maps offer information and advice for all ages from babies to young adults.


  • Parenting Advice

    Aha! Parenting
    Dr Laura Markham shares actionable advice for parents of new-borns to teenagers.


    Attachment Parenting UK
    Trusting your instinct, trusting your child – Attachment Parenting UK expert advice, find an APUK group, coaching , online shop and more.


  • School Exclusion for Infections

    Information about common childhood infections and whether or not children should go to school.


  • How to Calm a Child with Autism


    Create a Sensory Safe Yard for Children with Special Needs



Children’s mental health

Learning difficulties

  • Concerns about Autism 2-11 years

    Referrals for suspected Autism should now be done through the school without having to go through a GP.

    The current Gloucestershire pathway is at Glosfamilies Directory Social Communication and Autism Assessment.

    Please download the forms below and get a professional such as your child’s school or other healthcare professional (not a GP) to complete the forms. The forms need to be sent off directly.

    Social Communication and Autism Assessment Service

    SCASS Family Information Form
    SCASS Referral Form

  • Concerns about ADHD and/or Autism 11-17 years

    If you would like a referral for suspected Autism and you are between the ages of 11-17 years old, then you need to contact the surgery.

    Once contact has been made the secretarial team will send out the relevant forms to you for completion.

    Once the forms have been completed, these can be sent directly to the provider. Not the GP surgery.

  • Concerns about ADHD 6-10 years

    If you are concerned regarding your child’s behaviour it is important that you speak to the school first. Before an onward referral by the GP can be made, more information has to be acquired.
    1. Please contact the school for a classroom observation school report and My Plan or EHCP and, if possible, an Educational Psychologist’s report.
    2. In addition, a SENCo (Special Educational Needs Coordinator) report must be completed by school/SENCo/Pastoral support and submitted with the referral: SENCo Supporting Information (PDF)
    3. You must complete the Parental Neurodiversity Questionnaire (PDF)

    Once you have all the above, please provide a copy of all completed forms and reports to the surgery in the attention of secretaries.

    You do not require to see a GP regarding this, we just need all relevant paperwork together to enable us to send off the referral.

    Without all this information, it is likely that any referral made will be rejected. Please note if we do not receive all paperwork together, it will be sent back or rejected by the surgery and no referral will be action until all information requested has been received together.

  • National Autistic Society

    Gloucestershire branch of the National Autistic Society offers help, support and information to parents, carers, and their families.

    NAS Autism Helpline
    0808 800 4104

    Parent Support Line
    0808 800 4104

    Gloucestershire (